Our lives have changed so much since we had Jonathan, but I truly couldn't ask for anything better. He is so much fun and so full of life. He's our wild man. He's incredibly inquisitive and wants to learn and get into everything. Needless to say, he keeps all of us very busy. God bless my mom for what she does for us day in and day out. We also have to thank Debbie who watches Jonathan for an hour two days a week, so Travis and I can workout together. The other days, one of us goes to get him while the other works out and then we switch out. We are making it work and we love our boxing. By trading out who works out and who has him, it gives us quality time with him one on one which is wonderful. I love bonding with him.
I also started selling Stella & Dot Jewelry this month. Pretty crazy to take on another job, but it will be worth it if I make the money from it. It'll help with Jonathan's education, buying a bigger house so we can expand our family, etc. It is all very exciting! I had my first party and received 21 orders. I have 3 more parties booked between this month and next month and can't wait to schedule more parties. I need all the help and support that I can get.