We have been so busy that I haven't updated our blog. Work has been crazy for me. Lots of work, not enough time in a day, but the best part is I enjoy it and enjoy the people I work with. They are family to me. I'm also still selling jewelry which I love! The Spring Line is AMAZING! Please check it out at www.stelladot.com/paulette.
Travis has been busy with work as well. 2012 is the year of challenges and he's definitely looking to be challenged. He's such an amazing father and husband. He truly takes care of us every single day. Jonathan is obsessed with his Daddy. Completely melts my heart. He is so supportive of me, my career, and the crazy ideas I get myself into.
Jonathan is amazingly wild! LOL! He's non-stop all the time. God Bless my mom who watches him everyday. God bless us for making sure we discipline him enough. He always makes us laugh and smile. He loves Mickey Mouse, loves to dance, loves the Black Eyed Peas, Loves Ceelo Green, is incredible at hitting the ball and Travis hopes he's a ball player and my dad hopes for golf too. I just hope he behaves, respects, loves us, and is happy because I will live my life to make sure he is happy.
He had a wonderful Christmas this year. We did too! Along with all the wonderful gifts we got each other, Travis' parents got us a cruise for the whole family to go on in May. We can't wait! Such an amazing gift and we'll make memories to last a lifetime. Jonathan got a wonderful kitchen for Christmas and he loves to cook us things. So funny.
I will update pictures since the last time I updated. I promise I'll do better!