Thursday, September 16, 2010


Yesterday, my dad did an ultrasound on Megan. She is 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant. So exciting. When watching the screen, we were all in pure anticipation to see the heartbeat. Guess what? We did and it was super strong. I was so excited that I started tearing up for her. This is an amazing time in their lives and they should enjoy every minute of it.

Megan is going to be an amazing mother. She loves and cares for people so much that once that baby is born, they will automatically be loved immensely by her. She is going to love being pregnant and that is something I wish I could have done. For that alone, I am thrilled for her. She is going to look amazing pregnant and Chris is going to adore her even more.

We just pray that it is a girl, so Jonathan can have a girlfriend. If it's a boy, no worries, he will have a best friend. I can't wait to meet the little peanut. He/She is going to be PERFECT!

P.S. Thank you Mel and Michael for a perfect time last night with a wonderful dinner. We had a blast and too much laughing (if that's possible) which is wonderful and needed. You guys are family and we love you all very much.


  1. YAY MEG! Pauly, this is such a sweet story. I am so lucky to have both of you amazing women in my life :)
