I feel like I am so behind on our blog. It has been a few crazy months. Our lives are just entirely too busy, but we are happy to say that we love it! Jonathan is a crazy little man or "Our Nightmare, Tsunami, Destroyer, etc." He is totally testing us and his boundaries right now. We tell him no and he just looks at us, smiles and tries to continue on. When we spank him, he gives us kisses and hugs. I mean, come on, how can we fully discipline him with those actions. LOL!
He's in a Mother's Day Out right now. He loves it now, but it took a few weeks to get warmed up to the thought. The first day he did great. He said, " Bye Bye Mommy!" The next day he cried and cried. This continued one for a few weeks. My mom said what we were doing and making her do is a form of child abuse. She's Mrs. Dramatic, but she loves and adores him and can't stand him crying. She watches him for us, so her opinion means a lot to us, but this is a moment that we have to stand firm, so he is around more children his age more often.
He has been taking swimming lessons and is loving them. Today, Misa and I took the kids to a splash park here in town and he just jumped in the pool by himself. He showed Aunt Misa how he kicks. He said, " Ari, Beso (Ari, Kiss)" and gave her a hug and a kiss. That's a huge step since he has been a little scared of her for the last few months. They are in the same class and it is making them love each other even more. I love it!
Today, we decided that it would be a great opportunity for me to sell Stella & Dot jewelry on the side. We are very excited about this and how it could help us pay for Jonathan's McCallie education. LOL! Now, I just need all the support possible to schedule parties. You truly reap the benefits of hosting a party, because a hostess receives tons of free jewelry. A friend of ours received close to $500 worth of free jewelry and she gets to pick what pieces she wanted. It's a total win/win.
Jonathan is talking more and more each day. He has an incredible personality. Kikito, my grandfather, and Alex, my godson, met Jonathan for the first time Saturday. Alex already loves Alex and calls him A. Jonathan is very excited and intrigued by the new people in the house. I'm so glad they finally flew to meet him. Ever since my grandmother died, it has been very hard to get my grandfather out of the house and away from Alex, his obsession. LOL! We couldn't get him away from Alex, so we got the best package of having both of them here together for 3 weeks. Yay!
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