With that said, God blessed me years and years ago with the LeGrand Family. With that family, I got an incredible little sister named Christine. When I would go to the beach with the LeGrands during the summer, I would much rather hang out in the room with the girls (Christine and her friend Allison) than with my best friend Justin. Sorry Justin! Christine and Allison cracked me up. We prank called people, we laughed, we joked around, and had a blast.
Our relationship has continued to grow throughout many years. We have become closer and closer and I couldn't ask for anything better. This weekend Christine came and stayed with us. She is an incredible photographer (christinelegrandphotographyblog.com), so she came and took our family pictures. It was such a beautiful day and we had a blast. Jonathan adores her and is such a little flirt with her. Yesterday, Travis and I didn't mean anything to Jonathan. He was all about his Aunt Christine. I can totally see why. She has the best personality out of anyone I know. She is funny, witty, has the kindest heart ever, and loves with all her heart. God blessed me with one incredible person and I know how special that truly is. Thanks for everything Christine. We miss you already.

Side note: This morning, I thanked Travis for being so wonderful this weekend and so wonderful to me and Christine. He said I know she's family so I didn't even think twice about it. It's so wonderful to know that Travis thinks of her as family too. Love that.

best weekend ever!!love you!