While I'm writing this, I'm trying not to cry. Today is the anniversary date of a very special guy, Jonathan LeGrand, whom we lost. I will never forget that day. NEVER! I remember being in training at work and getting a call from Justin. Since I was in class I didn't answer, but would call him back during a break. Soon there after, Jay calls. Jay's mom had been in the hospital so I stepped out and answered. The first thing out of my mouth was, "Is your mom okay?" He said it's not my mom it's Jonathan. I lost it! I grabbed my stuff and called Justin. He just told me to meet him in Nashville. I called Travis, he got me a reservation to go on the shuttle to Nashville and he'd meet me in Greenville asap. I get home and pack as much as I could and leave stuff for Travis to bring. When I get to the Nashville airport and see Justin I lost it all over again. From that moment on, I tried to be like a robot and make sure we got there. Justin was devastated. Obviously, people didn't know why we were both crying in the airports, on the plane, etc. I tried to be strong, but I'm a crier.
We arrive in Atlanta and Justin looks up finally and says, "There's T.I." He didn't skip a beat. How he knew that I have no idea, but it was true. We get on the next plane and over the loud speaker they announced that we had a soldier on the plane being escorted to their family that had lost their life at war. Justin, in his own time of grief, looked at me and said that's terrible and took his hat off to give his respects to the soldiers that were on the plane to deliver the soldier to his family. You just never know what people are going through.
We arrived at The LeGrands and they were surrounded by family and friends. They are amazing people with amazing people in their lives. No one skipped a beat to be there for them. That day changed their lives forever. I have never hurt for a family as much as I hurt for them.
My whole point to this is that you never truly know what people are going through. There might be days that they are down, distant, crying, etc. There is always a reason. Remember to be sympathetic, caring, and love those people in your lives. Everyone is going through hard times, but some people need us along the way.
Love those special people in your lives that weigh on our hearts. Pray that they find peace, and pray that we keep those people alive in our hearts by the memories we share of them.
To the LeGrand Family, we love you guys very much.